National Distribution Center 


A national distribution center was doing all its own hiring for hundreds of product builder positions, while at the same time trying to maintain a temporary pool of up to 100 people who could work on a moment’s notice. During peak business periods there were too few employees to meet production demands. During slow times, there were too many people on staff. The turnover rate was 35%; one in three employees left within the first six months. Revenue suffered and costs were out of control.


Titan’s professional on-site staff implemented proven processes to gather internal hiring trends and needs, recruit qualified candidates, screen and select appropriate talent based on competency requirements for various manufacturing areas, and provide daily talent management. Appropriate technology solutions were also deployed to supply comprehensive reporting and analysis.


  • Effectively manage headcount requirements to meet the production demand
  • Improve recruitment efforts to ensure a steady supply of on-demand qualified talent
  • Increase talent retention to improve product quality and delivery times
  • Develop measurement tools to better manage workforce scheduling
  • Customize Titan services and processes to meet the unique culture of the company


By outsourcing the daily management of its flexible staff to Titan, the company was able to focus on its core business and increase revenue and profits.

Production staff levels were successfully managed, growing to 1,200 people working at peak times and reducing to 550 when production was slow. The company reached record profits through better workforce management.

During Titan’s first year as the company’s exclusive supplier, turnover dropped from 35% to 10%. It continues at less than 15%. Annual cost savings goals are mutually set and have been achieved every year. The combination of personalized customer service, improved processes and appropriate technology have allowed both companies to enjoy a successful 15-year relationship.
